Welcome to the first of what will be a long running series where you, our members, get to share your experiences working on EWB projects. For our first installment we hear from former Project Coordinator, Vince De Vita. Many thanks to Vince for sharing his thoughts and experiences with us.
Navajo Nation:
Navajo Nation is an ongoing project on the southern side of Navajo Mountain, near Page, AZ, that has been both a great volunteer and traveling experience. These trips involved water supply and solar power installation. The ability to interact with the locals and see their expressed gratitude has been something that I will reflect upon life-long. Its culture and site seeing was something that many people will never see or know of. Networking throughout both the student and professional chapters of Engineers Without Borders has also been an invaluable opportunity.
Yoro, Honduras:
This project is simply just too hard to sum up in only a paragraph. Nearly every aspect was an experience that can not be expressed. To be part of bonds made with team members, locals, surrounding country, and chance to put forward something that did, and will continue to do, for the village is something I cannot express. This project is a three-phase project that involved supplying a steady water supply to small homes in a remote village. Offering the village a steady water source has not only gave the locals time saving capability, but also a better quality of living. To be consumed by a whole separate world is something I often remember.